Bonding is a very popular, temporary weaving method and is a great way to quickly add volume and length to your natural hair. The Liquid Gold Bonding Glue Technique can be mastered with practice and a friend. Once this bonding method has been mastered you will save lots of money by "doing it yourself".
Make sure that the hair is clean and dry. Do not apply any conditioner because it will leave an oily film on the hair that will weaken the bond.Decide on your hair style and how you will be applying the hair weft.
Starting at the back of your head, section the hair by making a narrow part along your natural hair line. Place this small section in a braid and out of the way. Make another narrow part from ear to ear. Place remaining hair in a ponytail and out of your way.
Measure and cut hair weft to the desired width from ear to ear. Be sure to allow for a little natural hair on the sides in order to hide the hair weft.
Apply a small bead of the Liquid Gold Bonding Glue along the hair weft and wait for it to become tacky. Take your time with this step because the bonding glue can be quite stringy and sticky.
Apply along parted section of your hair, close to the scalp but not on the scalp. Press in place for a few seconds to dry.
If you want a stronger and longer bond you can heat seal the bonding by using a blow dryer over the track for a few seconds. Take care to keep the blow dryer moving back and forth over the track to speed up the drying process., and to avoid a burn.
Repeat by making another narrow part and continue through all the above steps, row by row until the desired amount of hair has been added.
Liquid Gold Bonding Glue will dry clear and will have a strong bond. Only use Liquid Gold Bond Dissolver to remove bonded Hair Extensions
This method can be mastered with practice and a friend. Start off with adding only 1 or 2 tracks until you have mastered the technique. You will be able to wash you hair normally because Liquid Gold Bonding Glue is water proof. You will want to avoid greasy conditioners because they will loosen the bonds. Also, you will want to avoid heat directly over the bonds and oily or greasy hair and scalp products beacause these will also loosen the bonds.
Hair Extensions should not be left in your hair for longer than 4 weeks at a time. Comb hair extensions using a wide tooth comb, or you can use a hair extension loop brush.
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